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Spread Love, Not Clutter: Quick and Easy Valentine's Gifts for Busy Moms


Can you believe Valentine's Day is just around the corner? I don't know about you, but I've

had my fair share of last-minute scrambles to put together cards for my kids. This year, I've decided it's time for a change. No more frantic, night-before crafting sessions or forgotten card obligations. This time, I'm going for an easy and well-planned Valentine's Day.

So, I set aside some time to brainstorm ideas for my kids' Valentine's cards. Instead of endless scrolling on social media, I checked out some Pinterest ideas. I wanted something quick, crafty, and, most importantly, not adding to someone else's clutter. I'm all about consumable gifts—something that can be used up, not sitting around in the house forever. Think food, gift cards—things that won't end up as forgotten trinkets or broken toys. As I scanned Pinterest, I stumbled upon a delightful tic-tac-toe M&M card idea!

This was just what I needed. I could easily replicate it in my go-to design tool, Canva. I just needed to order a couple of supplies, and I would be good to go! If you haven't heard of Canva, it is a free-to-use online graphic design tool. I use it to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, and more.

Because I found my inspiration so quickly, I still had some time to design the actual card. I use Canva all the time, so it didn't take long. I would love to save you some time as well, so I'm sharing two templates with you right here if you're interested in the project.

Next up was figuring out what else I needed (see the list below). I made sure to add the supplies on my shopping order for later that week. I also made sure I schedule time to complete the project in my calendar. I'm so glad I did because it turned out, I did not have enough M&Ms in bag for all the tic tac toe boards!

List of Supplies:

  • Mini plastic bags from Target

  • Card stock for a durable printout

  • A bag or two of Valentine-inspired M&Ms (1 bag did 30 invitations). Alternative options: Starburst, or Hershey Kisses.

  • List of Valentines receiving the treats

It feels like this Valentine's Day is going to be a winner. No last-minute stress, just some quality crafting time with my little one. Here's to a successful and heartwarming Valentine's Day!

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